Thursday, August 10, 2006

First day of school

Today was the first day of school. It was all I could do to keep my daughter from jumping out of the bed and plowing me down in the process. She was so happy to get to school and see her friends. Her teacher from last year called this morning to wish her well. Mrs. C moved to the High School to teach spanish.

Before I could get out of the class room I was being paged to the office which I thought was rather odd. But once I hit the doors I understood. All I can say there was a long line. I worked in the office all morning and then in kinder . I saw my daughter at lunch and all she could do was talk about having such a great day. Mom is happy to hear that her day went well. I will be working in the office until further notice. You won't hear me complain though. Guess I'll go read through some blogs and then fill out all the paper work the teacher sends home.

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