Friday, August 11, 2006

What a day

It has been hell on wheels today. Having three screaming kids in the office at different times today was enough to wear a person down. The attendence clerk was ready to tear into one 1st grader this morning. She was trying to enroll a new student and here is this little boy having one heck of a hissy fit because he didn't want to be at school. So I'm watching him on the tv screen next to my desk and he is screaming as loud as he can. Then he starts kicking the door. So I get up to go and tell him to behave and not knowing the assistant principal is also heading the same way. So all three of us bumped into one another. The clerk was trying to get the door open and the principal was telling us she would take care of it. It took her over 30 minutes to calm the brat down. I would have loved a roll of duck tape at that time. Later this morning a little girl came to the nurse with a head full of lice. She kept getting up and trying to go back to class. We called her mother to come and pick her up because your not allowed in class with that crap. I could have used the tape to keep her sitting. Then her mother blows in with all her lovely lady like ways and tells the nurse that the child doesn't have it. News flash....She has a head full and they are moving all over her head. Stuff like that makes my skin crawl.

Anyway I have relaxed and think I'll make it. HA! I'm off to fix dinner.

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