Friday, February 16, 2007

Evening Folks...What a cold day it has been. I knew last night when I got home from a cooking show it was going to be a cold night but it was freezing cold. To me 28 degrees is freezing. So I covered my urns out front because they have the prettiest red flowers on them and I didn't want to lose them. Then I come inside....Ladies never leave your kitchen after you have cooked dinner thinking your spouse will wash dishes and clean things up for you. I wasn't a happy wife when I came in after covering the plants to see that nothing had been done. I figured hubby would be nice and do this little task for me. I guessed wrong and no I didn't say anything to him about any of this. The only way he will know I'm just a little ticked off about it is when he reads this (I got over myself honey) I'm not ticked anymore.
Anyway I took the mother in law back to Houston for more tests today. We had a nice lunch here and she bought some goodies for us since I have had to miss work this week. Not a bad if I do say so myself. Daughter dear has informed me she wants to go and eat Mexican food for dinner tonight. I can handle that. Stay warm ....

My link didn't work for some reason. If you want to see where we ate you can go to

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