Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

It looks to be another bright sunny day here on the bay. I'm tired this morning. I stayed up until midnight trying to get papers graded and in the grade book. Next week grades are due and with me getting two days out of hell on Monday and Tuesday it needs to be done. No... I'm not taking Monday and Tuesday off. I have to work the District Science Fair. Monday will be setting everything up and going over each board and Tuesday will be judging. I like that part. The kids are usually nervous and can't sit still and then I come along and place them with their project, go over what the project is about to calm them down that way when the judge comes up they can answer what questions are asked.
I need to get a lot of things done today that way I can go goof off tomorrow. I can't wait to see my niece. I haven't seen her since Christmas. She flew out to California on her own to have a look at things. She is hoping to move out there once she graduates from Baylor. So I want to see her pictures and hear about her trip.
I guess I'll stop with the babble and get busy with all the things that need to be done around here. If you have a day off...enjoy it!

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