Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My sorry ass woke up like it was time to start the day. Only thing... It was 3:16 in the morning. So instead of tossing and turning like a fish out of water I got up and did a load of laundry and packed Daughter Dear and Hubby a sack lunch. DD has one more field trip back to the water park for today. I told her she better enjoy it because from what I'm hearing out of District office no more field trips unless it is local. The price of fuel for the buses cost to much for school budgets.
Change of subject. My Daddy. He's the best. A week and a half ago my parents came down to visit and to see DD preform in her last choir performance of the year. Well they came to the classroom to visit and meet the kids. Some how the topic of motorcycles came up. My Dad was telling the boys about his motorcycle and they asked to see it. So as I'm walking to the office to get folders up the walk comes my Dad. He saw me through the glass doors and waved. I had asked him not to drive over due to the heat but he showed up. So i took him into the gym where the kids were and once my class saw him they came running Papaw you came back. Can we go visit in the room? He asked if they wanted to see his motorcycle and you wouldn't believe the whoops and the yelling. The gym teacher walked over and asked what was going on and I introduced them and asked if it would be okay to take them for awhile and of course that wasn't a problem. He made their day by stopping by for a visit and I have to say he made mine too.

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