Wednesday, September 02, 2009


You my dear are a asshole with a pretty boy hair do. If you could for one minute, please pull your head out of your ass and understand that the majority of the people that live here in the US can't stand Obama. Your little shit show had me laughing. Nothing shocked me what so ever because the blacks are finally waking up and seeing Obama for the lying piece of crap that he is. I think it's rather funny that black boy saved enough money to buy a nice gun. I guess his pappy and mammy taught him well. Also, it took balls to strap it on and wear it out in public like he did. I wonder what Mr. Bad ass cop would have done if he would have pointed it at him? Tased the crap out of him like he did preacher boy. I'm getting off the point of my post which is...the preacher was wishing death upon Obama not making threats against him.
All in all Rick, your news report may want to look for a new job if you keep this line of reports going because your lips are a little stretched out from blowing Obama on a daily basis.

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