Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sean Penn STFU. I DON'T like you!!


USA_Admiral said...

Penn is an infectious disease.

Penn just needs it stamped on his forehead with indelible ink.

InsomniacSeeker said...

he's a dick.

BobG said...

Always looking for a photo-op, isn't he?

dick said...

He is very close to the top of my list of Hollywood stars I go out of my way not to spend any money on. He lost me initially when he was going on about gun control that he was in favor with and then we find out that he reported that 2 guns were stolen from his parked car. That was my first signal of what a moonbat he was. Nothing he has done since has changed that.

kerrcarto said...

I would love to kick that doosh in his nuts. Fucking communist asshat.