Monday, October 17, 2011

Just Another Reason....

Why I left Texas!Send the teacher back if she loves Mexico so much....And I don't care if it was a classroom assignment! I don't want to hear any excuses from anyone on how it's okay for these things to be happening in our school system. Your in my country speak English and sing our national anthem.


USA_Admiral said...

This is one of the many reasons we home school our daughter.

JT said...

I saw that story this morning and thought the same thing. Nobody is making kids stand up in history class and say, 'Heil Hitler', as a lesson on the culture of Germany during WW2. Stupid arguments by the school, stupid assignment and my kid wouldn't have participated, either.

InsomniacSeeker said...

Any kid of mine (if I had any) would have walked out of that classroom immediately. Did you see how their arms were positioned? Looks like a Hitler parade. I'd also like to know if they are reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to our own Nation's flag and learning the National Anthem as well? Doubt it.

Robert said...

I just read about this on drudge. That is fucking BULLSHIT! I can't believe they allowed that in a public school