Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Good Morning! I'm sure by the time most of you read this I will be rowing my way to school. If if keeps it up I'm going to have to start building a ark and collect two bloggers from each state. HA! I'm just tired of the rain we have been getting for the past two weeks. But the weather guy says we should have a break tomorrow. Yeah!! Only thing is I will be spending my day inside in a meeting. I tried to get out of it and was told I had to be there. I walked out of the office with the head hung down. I can't say what type of meeting due to school.
Daughter dear gets her stitches out later today. I tried to explain to her how they take them out and her response was along as I don't have to have a needle I don't care what he does.
Time to start another day. Have a good one!

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