Saturday, June 13, 2009

Its Saturday in the house. My lovely fat cat Salem woke me this morning with meowing his ass off at the bedroom door and then with scratching when he noticed that my fat ass wasn't budging. I decided to get up so he wouldn't wake Daughter dear. She stayed up late watching her Forensic File show and nothing comes between her and trying to solve how the person died.Belch...

We have had a problem with birds flying into the back french doors. Yeterday DD came to me laughing saying another one bit the dust. I was like what??? She said a black bird hit the window and was laying out in the yard. By the time I got back there he was up shaking his head. This one wasn't so lucky....
I bet the garbage men really loved picking up my trash.....

I need to get off this thing and get my bed made and go ride my bike so I can come home and get the yard work done.

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