Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Weight Loss....

I didn't lose anything this week and its not a big deal to me either. I like how I have adjusted to less calories and not feeling like I'm starving. I so happy with that aspect of the diet. I would love to get out and exercise but the cold weather doesn't work well with my knee replacement. I'm sure once I'm able to get out and walk, the weight will come off easier. Everyone on my team has lost weight. Some more than others. I'm proud of them all. Especially my girl Tina.


InsomniacSeeker said...

Thank you,H20. I know when you're able to get out and about it will start coming off. Just don't give up. Call me anytime you need to.


JT said...

Slow weight loss is so much better for you, so keep eating healthy and it will happen.